【TS4/CC】Magic Glow Gem - Earrings 【Halloween Gift】


|萬聖夜裡那盞光 The Light In Halloween
|Earrings acc|
Pictures shot by Noar.

≡ 請不要二次上傳我的作品 ≡
≡ Please don't Re-upload ≡
≡ 允許改色 - 但請不要包含我的Mesh ≡
≡ Allow recolor - Plz don't include my Mesh ≡
≡ 我所有的CC作品都是4K-2K尺寸-支援HQ ≡
≡ All of my CC works is 4K-2K size - Support HQ ≡

!!Special Thanks!!
- 感謝Noar參與這次CC的協作 -
- Thanks Noar making most swatches for this cc -
- 感謝所有CC製作人 -
- Thanks All CC creators -

[New Mesh]
[100 Swatch]


( SFS, Free )

My Instagram - @Seiyuki_YellowKuma
My Twitter - @YellowKuma
My Tumblr - @KumamotoSeiyuki
My Patreon - @Seiyuki6996

我會十分感激(◔ɷ◔) ( 請看我真誠的臉 ←
Feel free to tag me if anyone use my CC,
I will be pretty thankful.

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